Atlas des Signataires de la Charte
fiche signataire
Name of the local authority* Nantes
Type of the local authority* Municipalité
Number of inhabitants* 100.000 - 500.000
Website of the local authority*
Web page on gender equality policies
Contact person in your local/regional authority
Nom Carole
Surname Voisine
Job title Chargée de mission égalité femmes-hommes et LGBT
Adresse de messagerie
Country* France
Date of signature of the Charter* 12/07/2006
Setting up of an equality action plan for the local/regional authority* Oui
Download the Action Plan
Is/are the implemented action plan(s) related to the signature of the Charter Non
Time period covered by the action plan from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2020
Indicate whether this is a first action plan Oui
Main articles covered by the action plan
Methods applied and/or activities undertaken
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