20 years of equality for the city of Graz!

[Originally published on:  https://www.graz.at/cms/beitrag/10371270/7770531/Jahre_Gleichstellung.html]


In 2001 the go-ahead was given for the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in the City of Graz!


Right from the start with the clear commitment of the decision-makers in politics and administration. This website features the (very) concentrated overview of 20 years of work for equality and also shows how extensively the topic is implemented in our city. Even if everything has not yet been achieved, the focus is on successes and the continuing work for Graz to get equal.



See the main achievements of 2021:


Anniversary folder PDF download (DE)

The printed version of the anniversary folder can be requested here:  priska.pschaid@stadt.graz.at
