SALAR book series on masculinity and gender equality







Gender equality initiatives that change restrictive and harmful masculinity norms can provide considerable benefits for both women and men and for society as a whole. It can lead to greater security, improved health, more equal relationships and reduced violence, while increasing the quality in schools, health and social care.


It can also help to open up the gender segregated labour market and broaden recruitment to the public sector.


This series of five books from a two-year project, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) presents facts and strategies for change, regarding men and gender equality, gender-based violence, men and mental health, gender-equal parenting, and gender-equal school.


  • An introduction to transforming male norms
    This paper describes possible strategies for developing gender equality initiatives with an understanding of inequality and masculinity norms as its starting point. It is aimed at politicians, managers or strategists responsible for operational development, but also at other municipal and county council employees.


  • Strategies for improving health and social care
    One of the aims of the national gender equality policy is that women and men, girls and boys should have equal opportunities for good health, and be offered health and social care on equal terms. One of the challenges in the effort to prevent and treat mental ill-health among boys and men are the masculinity norms that state that men should be strong and performance-oriented – norms that condition not only men’s own attitudes to their emotional needs but also the provision of healthcare services. This paper contains proposals for strategies for development within mental and sexual health that are supported by gender equality efforts and focus on changing masculinity norms.


  • Towards a more secure learning environment and better school results
    The notions both adults and students have about how boys should be affect the work of schools in many areas. The poorer school results of boys, and the violence and insecurity in their school environment, are related to masculinity norms. 
    This publication outlines strategies for developing the work of schools in confronting gender inequality and masculinity norms. It is primarily directed to elected representatives, higher civil servants, and strategists responsible for improving operations in the school sector.


  • Towards more active parenting for fathers
    This publication describes strategies and provides examples of how the maternal health and child healthcare systems can promote gender-equal parenting by strengthening men’s roles as parents, and by changing destructive norms about masculinity. This can result in better health for both children and adults in a family, as well as strengthen the position of women on the labour market.


  • Improving the quality of batterer interventions
    One important aspect of efforts to prevent violence is an increased focus on changing men who engage in, or have engaged in, violence against women with whom they have or have had a close relationship, with special priority given to the safety and security of the victims of violence. The Swedish Association of Municipalities and Regions (SALAR) hopes that this publication will contribute to a deeper understanding of what is required in order to increase the sustainability and quality of these efforts.
