In order to identify the main priorities in your work on equality of women and men, you must start by consulting relevant organisations and bodies actively working in areas related to gender equality.
Suggested actions
- Review your existing consultation activities and processes check if any existing responses are analysed by gender. If that is the case, verify if there are any differences between women and men’s answer
- Consult elected representatives of your authority, employees and trade unions, local NGOs, as well as service users and potential service users, on what they think are the local priorities from among the different articles of the Charter
- Include all sections of the population in this exercise, e.g. young people, older people minority ethnic people (including migrants and those seeking asylum), lesbian and gay people, people with disabilities, people of different religions and beliefs, those suffering social exclusion, victims of violence and women in prostitution in the consultation
- Share and compare experiences with neighbouring signatories (e.g. in the framework of inter-municipal cooperation) or with other signatories (through a twinning partnership for example).