About us


The Observatory of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life is a project managed by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), with the financial support of the Swedish government. This project has been launched in order to respond to the growing demand of support from signatories and to continue CEMR’s engagement for equality.   The Secretariat of the Observatory is based at the CEMR office in Brussels.  


What is CEMR?

Founded in 1951, CEMR is today the largest organisation of local and regional government in Europe; its members are over 50 national associations of towns, municipalities and regions from 40 countries. Together these associations represent some 150,000 local and regional authorities.   Chaired by the former mayor of Stuttgart, Wolfgang Schuster, CEMR works to promote a united Europe that is based on local and regional self-government and democracy. To achieve this goal it endeavors to shape the future of Europe by enhancing the local and regional contribution, to influence European law and policy, to exchange experience at local and regional level and to cooperate with partners in other parts of the world.   CEMR works in many fields of activity such as regional policy, transport, the environment, equal opportunities, governance… Its committees and working groups seek to influence draft EU legislation to make sure the interests and concerns of local and regional authorities are taken into account from the earliest stages of the EU legislative process.  


More informationCEMR website25 years of CEMR actions in favor of gender equalityPresentation of the CharterMore information on the Observatory