European Union programmes


Your local/regional authority is looking for financial support for a project with a European dimension in the field of gender equality? You can apply for a European Union grant by replying to calls for proposals published on the European Commission website.


For the period 2021-2027, DG Justice and Consumers issues calls for proposals in two main programmes gathered in the Justice, Rights and Values Fund:


Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values programme – CERV (2021-2027)

The CERV programme aims to protect and promote Union rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. It will contribute to sustain and further develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law.

  • Gender equality
  • Violence against women, children
  • Fundamental rights
  • Combatting discrimination
  • Fight against racism and xenophobia
  • Combating antisemitism
  • Combating anti-Muslim hatred

Do you want to set up a town twinning or a network of towns? The CERV programme also offers grants up to 30,000 euros for town twinnings and financing with no upper bound for networks of towns.


Justice programme (2021-2027)

The Justice Programme provides funding to support judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters such as training to judges and other legal practitioners and effective access to justice for citizens and businesses. It contributes to the further development of a European area of justice based on the rule of law, including independence and impartiality of the judiciary, on mutual recognition, mutual trust and judicial cooperation.


European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)

The ESF+ finances the implementation of the principles from the European Pillar for Social Rights through actions in the areas of employment, education & skills and social inclusion. 

In all its investments, the ESF+ will promote the horizontal principles of gender equality, respect for fundamental rights, equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

  • Equal access to quality services and modernising social protection systems
  • Equal access to quality education and training
  • Gender-balanced labour market participation

More information:


European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)

EIGE regularly publishes calls for tenders and expressions of interest on their website.



CEMR’s guide to 2021-2027 Funding 

This 2022 guide produced by CEMR offers information on grants and selected programmes managed directly by the EC and their agencies, and some of the territorial cooperation programmes of interest for local and regional governments. Please note that the guide concerns many topics, not only gender equality.



Previous Programmes


  • Justice programme (2014-2020)
  • Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme (2014-2020)


  • Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme
  • Daphne III Programme
  • Progress Programme: Anti-discrimination and Gender Equality strands
