Webinar | Learn from cities to advance gender equality in Europe and the world

The webinar “Learning from Cities to Advance Gender Equality”, organised by CEMR, PLATFORMA and Cities Alliance, features an inspiring panel of speakers providing insights into how the EU’s internal and external gender equality policies affect cities and communities. Diverse women leaders from regions across the world shared the impactful actions that they are taking to make sure that women and men have an equal voice, access to resources and service and can pursue their ambitions on equal terms.


The event comes at a time when the EU is putting in place its Strategy on Gender Equality for the next five years. What’s more, the bloc will adopt a new Gender Action Plan this year, defining how it will promote gender equality worldwide. The question is no longer whether but how to mainstream gender in the EU’s internal and external action, learning from cities’ successful experiences and practices.


The high-level speakers are particularly relevant given this international dimension. Rohey Malick Lowe, the Lord Mayor of Banjul (Gambia), and Souad Abderrahim, the Lord Mayor of Tunis, will outline the situation for women’s equality in their cities. A member of Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli’s Cabinet will discuss the latest developments in European policies on equality.


The event will also explore the actions of cities and communities in defending gender equality when responding to COVID-19 and will look at the gender-perspective on the COVID-related measures. The participants will define possible recommendations for gender-responsive recovery actions and collaborations.


CEMR will be represented by its Spokesperson on Gender Equality and Local Councillor of Legnano, Silvia Baraldi, and Jaimie Just, Policy Advisor for Equality and Diversity.


The event is being organised the Cities Alliance and CEMR/PLATFORMA.



Watch the recording on Youtube:
