Webinar – Meeting with the network of national coordinators working with the Observatory

The Observatory organizes a “webinar”, an online meeting with the network of national coordinators working with the European Charter for Equality. The Webinar is held on the 5th of September and will start at 10h00. It will be moderated from the CEMR office in Brussels (by Johanna Törnström). A maximum of 15 persons can attend. If you are interested to participate, please inform the secretariat as soon as possible.


Prior to the meeting, national coordinators have been invited to complete the tasks listed in a separate document called the “Roadmap”. This will serve as material for the future work of the Observatory. The deadline to complete the tasks listed in the Roadmap is set to the 17th of August.


Draft agenda of the webinar:

  1. Present the website and the current work of the Observatory
  2. Report on the results from the evaluation sheet to the national coordinators
  3. Present and discuss ideas to develop the work of the Observatory and the website

3.1. How to facilitate and encourage the work of national associations

3.2.  How to improve the support provided to draw action plans*

  1. The role of Ambassadors of the Charter*
  2. Any other issues

For any questions regarding the meeting please contact Johanna Törnström, Policy Officer Equality – johanna.tornstrom@ccre-cemr.org
