Article 20 – Culture, Sport and Recreation

1. The Signatory recognizes the right of everyone to take part in cultural life and to enjoy the arts.


2. The Signatory furthermore recognizes the role that sport plays in contributing to the life of the community and to securing the rights to health as outlined in Article 14. It also recognises that women and men have the right to equal access to cultural, recreational and sporting activities and facilities.


3. The Signatory recognizes that women and men may have different experiences and interests in relation to culture, sport and recreation and that these may be the result of gender-stereotyped attitudes and actions, and therefore commits itself to carry out or promote measures including, as appropriate:

  • Ensuring as far as is reasonable that women and men, boys and girls have equal provision and access to sporting, recreation and cultural facilities and activities
  • Encouraging women and men, boys and girls to take part equally in sports and cultural activities, including those traditionally seen as predominantly “female” or “male”
  • Encouraging artists and cultural and sporting associations to promote cultural and sporting activities which challenge stereotypical views of women and men
  • Encouraging public library services to challenge gender stereotypes in their stock of books and other materials and in their promotional activities.

