Conference AICCRE, Gender budgeting and the Charter

The Italian association AICCRE organises a Conference on “Gender Budgeting for the application of the European Charter for equality of women and men in local life”. The conference will provide an opportunity for participants to exchange on the current situation of the work on the implementation of the Charter in Italy, especially in relation to Gender budgeting.


The conference will be held in Florence, Via Cavour 18, Sala delle Feste


Draft programme of the conference:


23rd of January


15h00-17h00            Registration of participants

17h00                         Meeting of the rapporteurs for the preparation of the draft final document for the Conference


Friday 24th of January


09h30                         Welcome speeches: President of the Regional Council, President of the Region, President of AICCRE

10.30                          Introductory speech “The Gender Balance to respect the rights of European citizenship”

11.00                          Report on the contents of Gender Budgeting

12.00                          Panel discussion between the representatives of the regions, provinces, municipalities

13.00                          Conclusion, approval of the final document

