Open exchange on Istanbul Convention monitoring and reporting responsibilities – Virtual meeting hosted by CEMR with the City of Frankfurt | 31/01/20


31/01/20  | Open exchange on Istanbul Convention monitoring and reporting responsibilities – Virtual meeting hosted by CEMR with the City of Frankfurt

Friday, 31 January from 14.00-15.00

Link to register |   



The Istanbul Convention has been signed by all EU Member States and ratified by 21 of them; the European Union has been engaged in the process of accession since 2017.[1] Although the EU signed the Convention on 13 June 2017, seven member states still have not ratified it: Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and the UK.


In some countries where the Convention is currently being implemented the issue of the role and responsibility of local governments and their administrations arises, particularly as concerns the monitoring and reporting on violence against women and domestic violence.


This open exchange, co-hosted by CEMR and the City of Frankfurt, seeks to gather experts and practitioners actively involved in the implementation and/or monitoring of the Istanbul Convention, both from the local/regional and national level. The webinar will provide a space for them to share their experiences and identify common challenges faced in monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the ground and possible ways forward.


QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION (based on context in your country/region/city)

  • Which body is responsible for the inventory and implementation at federal level?
  • How is this hierarchically and organizationally integrated so that the implementation strength specified by the IC is ensured?
  • What are the personnel and financial resources of the position?
  • How much does the government provide for nationwide implementation?
  • How are the NGOs and other relevant institutions involved?
  • What structures and responsibilities are there at regional, local level? (Finance, organisation, hierarchy etc.)
  • Are there any best practice examples?

[1] BE, DK, DE, EE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IE, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PL, PT, RO, SI, FI, SE
