The region of Brittany makes Gender Equality a priority

Brittany is dedicated to promoting equal rights between women and men. The region has made gender equality a priority by making it a transversal policy included in a variety of areas of regional competencies. 


To raise awareness on this issue the region published a folder in 2011 presenting facts on the situation of women in different areas and examples of initiatives that are implemented by the region to improve equality. The figures show that inequalities persist in many fields, especially when looking at the distribution of house-hold tasks, the employment market and the lack of women in decision-making positions.


The region of Brittany has also initiated the Biennale on Equality between women and men, a big event that reassembles stakeholders working on equality issues from different domains. The aim of the Biennale is to provide a platform for discussion and an opportunity to share experiences. The 3rd Biennale on Equality was organized in December 2011 and reassembled more than 200 participants from associations, companies, local authorities and universities. The 4th Biennale on Equality between women and men will be organized in 2014 in Lorient.


Examples of initiatives:


  •  Equality-bonus to favour professional gender diversity

The region has introduced a bonus of 300 euros that is given to employers of apprentices that recruit women in sectors that are considered as traditionally “male-oriented” and vice versa. Every year the region distributes 800 bonuses of this kind.


  • Use of gender disaggregated statistics to improve public policies

The region collects gender disaggregated statistics to evaluate public policies, to analyse the spread of equality in policies and to identify persisting inequalities in different domains. 


  • Support to youth

The region encourages activities to promote gender equality in schools. Through the programme “Karta”, the region provides support to projects in high-schools focusing on raising awareness on gender equality issues. In 2010-2011, 75 projects of this kind were implemented in high-schools across the region.


  • Foster social innovation

The region provides support to innovative initiatives in businesses, associations, training organisations and local authorities that promote equality within organizations or in their external activities. Networking is also promoted to exchange experiences in this field. Every year the region supports around 20 activities of this kind of a budget around 200 000 €.


  • Council for Equality : working together to create synergies

To unite all the different actors working on Gender Equality across the region, Brittany created the Council for Equality between women and men in March 2005. The Council includes institutions (the state, the region and departments), associations working with and for women, companies (employers and trade unions) and universities. The Council is working on implementing concrete actions within seven thematic workshops: access to employment and training, violence against women, dissemination of culture of equality etc.


For more information please visit the region of Brittany’s webpage on Gender Equality.
