Beldur Barik – No Fear !

This is the motto of a cooperative campaign that began in 2006 bringing together Basque municipalities and institutions to promote Equality and act against gender-based violence.


The Beldur Barik project is coordinated by the network EUDEL from Berindinsarea and supported by Emakunde, the Directorate for Victims of Domestic Violence and the Provincial Councils of the three territories and also involving additional partners. The initiative has now become a comprehensive program with activities seeking to involve youth in the fight against gender based violence by recognizing and value attitudes and behaviours based on respect, equality, freedom and autonomy.


Studies show that gender based violence still persists, also in the younger generations. To fight gender based violence, it is necessary to learn how to detect indirect forms of domination that are common among young people. The Beldur Barik campaign seek to address the issue in a positive way from its origin, not only by referring to the violence in the context of a couple but by analysing how inequality between women and men persist in all areas in society and reflecting on how this is the basis of violent relationships. The campaign focuses on both prevention and intervention with all citizens and not only the victims.


Within the program, young people have the opportunity to discuss and reflect upon different issues such as sexuality, relationships, educations of girls and boys and the risk of being assaulted in the street. The courses especially aim to empower girls, providing them with skills to strengthen their self-esteem and help them to identify and cope with attacks. Within the project several artistic initiatives has been organized, offering an opportunity to discuss different aspects of equality and gender based violence:


  • A festival bringing together hundreds of girls and boys from the Basque country to get to know the work of groups and associations engaged in equality-issues. They could also participate in trainings and workshops.
  • A flashmob that was organized simultaneously in three Basque capitals promoting the Beldur Barik campaign
  • An audio-visual competition were young people were encouraged to submit their videos
  • The campaign has also launched a website where youth can exchange views and is also active on social media like Facebook, Tuenti and Twitter.


Beldur Barik represents a change of attitude since they encourage youth to understand and face reality, by thinking about their behaviours and attitudes. Instead of victimization of women, the messages about prevention spread among youth is positive and encourage youth to get involved to make a change.


For more information please visit the Beldur Barik website: Or contact the team behind the campaign:
