Women Empowerment in the municipality of Tarsus

The municipality of Tarsus signed the European Charter for Equality on 18th of December 2013. The local council has already implemented several activities to promote the role of women in the municipality.

Among the activities are the following:


  • Establishment of courses to promote Women’s empowerment, courses in self-confidence and health provided for around 1500 women
  • Trainings for women to facilitate job searching
  • Support to women from villages to sell their needle works
  • Opening of a fruit and vegetable market where women from rural areas can sell their local products, the market requires almost no rent which provides an opportunity for local suppliers to sell their products.


Other initiatives that the municipality has applied to strengthen the role of women:

  • The municipality has employed three women bus drivers to promote gender diversity in municipal professions
  • The municipality required that women also should participate as car drivers in a car race competition

